It has become a strong view of mine that need to stop worrying about their flaws and just be proud of who they are.
I know this sounds embarrassingly cliched, but it's true. Who would you be if you were perfect?
I know a girl, who is the closest to perfect anyone can possibly be. She's pretty, kind, friendly, well-adjusted, smart, organised, talented, grounded, kind, polite and helpful. She is also the most boring person I have ever met. I don't mean to be mean, I feel kind of awful writing this. She's a lovely girl, she really is. But there's just nothing of interest about her.
Flaws are what make people interesting. I suspect maybe I have a soft spot for extremely flawed people more than others do, perhaps because I am very flawed myself, but I think they are interesting to everyone.
The smart, talented girl who is also insecure, manipulative and bitchy? I love her.
The strong, beautiful girl who is also unstable, distant and heartless? I love her too.
The fun, charismatic guy who is also self-destructive and violent? I adore him as well.
The thing is, it is our flaws that make us real, interesting. We are nothing without them.
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
fashion inspirations in the form of film/tv characters.
What I love about fashion is that feeling of dressing up. People (mostly guys) will often say to me, "Why are you wearing that?!"
It's always struck me as an insanely odd question. Does there really need to be much reason to wear something? I'm wearing it because I feel like it. "But why would you were four-inch heels to college?" Why not?
Sometimes I'll go out wearing a cropped, black-ruffled bolero in a size 14 (I'm a size 8, I never even looked at the size until I took it home) with heels on my feet and my hair in an updo. It makes me feel like a glamourous upper east side girl. It's fun. Or I'll wear my favourite scuffed, chunky biker boots with a tiny top of a dress and a leather jacket, my hair a complete mess. Makes me feel like a dishevelled bad girl. It's fun. Some days I'll dress like I'm something out of the 70s (which, by the way, is why I'm thrilled about the return of clogs), or wear my make-up sixties style.
I just love that aspect of dressing up. If I could I'd probably leave the house in fancy dress each day. Ever since I was little I was constantly dressing up, as Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz, or Hermione from Harry Potter. I remember begging my mum to cut and style my hair to match the twins in The Parent Trap. On fancy dress days at school, I'd create superheroes for me to masquerade as (one, complete with fabric yellow boots and a red leotard). In fact, right now, opposite there is a picture of me, aged about 7, dressed as Jessie from Toy Story, another one of my fixations.
Different figures from film and television have always influenced the way I dress, which is why below I've outlined some of my favourite inspirations.
Effy Stonem, Skins

Ever since I began watching Skins, I've had a massive fixation on the character Effy. I feel a kind of love for her which probably isn't entirely healthy considering she's a fictional character, but I can relate to her more than any other film or television character I know of. Stylewise, she has been a very powerful influence over me. Although I've always favoured a look similar to her's - dishevelled, sexy, effortlessly cool - she's inspired me to try different things and given me new ideas.
Effy's style has evolved throughout the four series of Skins - from emo kid in Series 1 (sporting stripy socks, converse, tiny mini skirts, ripped crop tops, chipped nails, the usual effotless hair and smokey eyes), head-turning goth in Series 2 (tiny ripped dresses, fishnets, a lot of black, hair quiffed and backcombed, smokey eyes), sexy rock chick in Series 3 (barely there dresses, fishnets, biker boots, a lot of chains, leather jackets, ripped jeans, rock tees, messy hair, smokey eyes or a bare face) to indie girl in Series 4 (glitzy hotpants, boyfriend blazers, doc martens, leather jackets, wet-look leggings, sparkly tops, hippy headbands, loose dresses, hoodies, boyfriend jeans, checked shirts, messy hair and barely there makeup) - yet there is always something so distinctly 'her' about her outfits. I may have labelled her styles, but the truth is, you really can't put her into any label. Whatever she's wearing, you always get the distinct feeling that she has not tried or thought about it whatsoever, and that she doesn't care what you think.
She's inspired me to have a more fearless approach to dressing. And it's partly her that gave me my love for leather jackets, biker boots and barely-there dresses. It's also her that's made me proud to have naturally messy, wavy hair. Although she's no longer in Skins, she will forever influence my style.
Hallie & Annie, The Parent Trap

I can't remember how old I was when I first watched this film. 6, maybe? 7, at the most. But I vividly remember watching it. I remember my mum had borrowed the film from a friend, and we were watching it in the lounge. I loved it straight away. From that moment on, I decided I would emulate the twins in every way possible. I still adore The Parent Trap. I loved their little outfits, so different from one another - Hallie in her cool, casual shorts and tees, and Annie in her prim little suits and dresses. And I loved their hairstyle - shoulder-length, little side fringe, half-up half-down. One of my earlier fashion memories, Hallie & Annie helped me along the way to my fashion obsession.
Jessie, Toy Story

I really did used to be obsessed with Jessie. I remember well the devestation when I lost my Jessie doll. I loved her and always harboured fantasies of dressing like a cowgirl, complete with her bright red hair. Not an easy look to pull off, but I dyed my hair red a fair few times after that. Still, I managed to fulfill my fantasy of being Jessie when a fancy dress day at school came along, and I coerced my mum into making a Jessie outfit, complete with cow-print chaps, a shirt with the right red and yellow details and a bright red hat. I further accentuated my look with sprayed-red, plaited hair and pencilled-in red eyebrows.
Cristina, Vicky Cristina Barcelona

I'm sure it helps that Scarlett Johansson is so naturally beautiful, but I love the fresh, natural look Cristina displays whilst immersed in the heat and culture of Barcelona. Her loose tees and trousers, complete with tousled hair and barely-there face showcase her natural beauty, and I've always thought people look their most beautiful when natural. Although, it's likely this is only the case when it comes to very beautiful people. Still, Cristina's character has inspired me to go oh so natural every now and then, especially in the summer when the sun somehow makes you forget your flaws.
Dorothy, The Wizard of Oz

Dorothy may have, quite possibly, been my first ever style crush. Memories of running through my house in a blue-and-white checked school dress, red shoes and my hair in plaits, a toy dog in my arms, still persist. Amd because of this I will always love Dorothy's cutesy style. I almost want to immerse myself in the primness, the innocence of the way she dresses.
Elizabeth Swann, Pirates of the Caribbean

I simply cannot watch Pirates of the Caribbean without succumbing to the strength and elegance of a corset, a ridiculously princessy ballgown and done, tumbling curls. Can you imagine it? Lithely walking through the cobbled streets in your beautiful dress and heels, conveying your grace and power with every step. Despite my love of all things effortless, I never have been able to deny my yearning for this kind of dressing. I love it.
Jackie Berkhart, That 70's Show

It is not the glamourous perfection of Jackie's look that I adore, but more the pure, well, Seventies-ness of it all. The high-waisted flairs and the wooden clogs and the Farrah Fawcett flicks. I love it all. That sense of the past. A lot of people look at fashion trends from the past with a confused kind of disbelief, but I love it. I'd happily walk down the street dressed like something from the 70s.
Blair Waldorf, Gossip Girl

I'm almost certain that everybody interested in fashion has, at some point, fallen in love with Blair's style. I adore Blair, and I love how her style matches her personality. Again, it seems I harbour a love for both the effotless and the perfected. I love Blair's styled ringlets and her flawless make-up. Her prim headbands and put-together outfits. There must be some kind of guilty pleasure in dressing that way. Which is why sometimes I can't help myself.
Lena Kaligaris, The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants

I love her style for similar reasons that I love Cristina's in Vicky Cristina Barcelona. All floaty white skirts and loose tops and tousled waves. It's fresh, breezy. This kind of dressing makes me feel alive. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's the pureness of it all - it's so natural, it's who you are. It's liberating to be natural. Kind of free.
All the girls, The Boat That Rocked

Ah, the Sixties. My favourite decade despite my lack of existence during it's run. I sincerely hope the Sixties come into fashion sometime soon, so I can justify wearing white leather boots and brightly coloured mini dresses. The girls in this film are typical Sixties girls and I love them.
Hermione Granger, Harry Potter

Hermione Granger may appear an unlikely style icon, but who wouldn't love to be a 12-year-old prancing around the halls of Hogwarts? And whose style better to emulate than Hermione's? True, they all wear school uniforms - maybe it's her personality that gives her style. All I know is, when I was a kid playing Harry Potter, I would always dress like Hermione, complete with wildly crimped hair and a precocious manner.
I am probably far too easily influenced by film and television characters, but I adore them nonetheless.
It's always struck me as an insanely odd question. Does there really need to be much reason to wear something? I'm wearing it because I feel like it. "But why would you were four-inch heels to college?" Why not?
Sometimes I'll go out wearing a cropped, black-ruffled bolero in a size 14 (I'm a size 8, I never even looked at the size until I took it home) with heels on my feet and my hair in an updo. It makes me feel like a glamourous upper east side girl. It's fun. Or I'll wear my favourite scuffed, chunky biker boots with a tiny top of a dress and a leather jacket, my hair a complete mess. Makes me feel like a dishevelled bad girl. It's fun. Some days I'll dress like I'm something out of the 70s (which, by the way, is why I'm thrilled about the return of clogs), or wear my make-up sixties style.
I just love that aspect of dressing up. If I could I'd probably leave the house in fancy dress each day. Ever since I was little I was constantly dressing up, as Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz, or Hermione from Harry Potter. I remember begging my mum to cut and style my hair to match the twins in The Parent Trap. On fancy dress days at school, I'd create superheroes for me to masquerade as (one, complete with fabric yellow boots and a red leotard). In fact, right now, opposite there is a picture of me, aged about 7, dressed as Jessie from Toy Story, another one of my fixations.
Different figures from film and television have always influenced the way I dress, which is why below I've outlined some of my favourite inspirations.

Effy's style has evolved throughout the four series of Skins - from emo kid in Series 1 (sporting stripy socks, converse, tiny mini skirts, ripped crop tops, chipped nails, the usual effotless hair and smokey eyes), head-turning goth in Series 2 (tiny ripped dresses, fishnets, a lot of black, hair quiffed and backcombed, smokey eyes), sexy rock chick in Series 3 (barely there dresses, fishnets, biker boots, a lot of chains, leather jackets, ripped jeans, rock tees, messy hair, smokey eyes or a bare face) to indie girl in Series 4 (glitzy hotpants, boyfriend blazers, doc martens, leather jackets, wet-look leggings, sparkly tops, hippy headbands, loose dresses, hoodies, boyfriend jeans, checked shirts, messy hair and barely there makeup) - yet there is always something so distinctly 'her' about her outfits. I may have labelled her styles, but the truth is, you really can't put her into any label. Whatever she's wearing, you always get the distinct feeling that she has not tried or thought about it whatsoever, and that she doesn't care what you think.
She's inspired me to have a more fearless approach to dressing. And it's partly her that gave me my love for leather jackets, biker boots and barely-there dresses. It's also her that's made me proud to have naturally messy, wavy hair. Although she's no longer in Skins, she will forever influence my style.

I am probably far too easily influenced by film and television characters, but I adore them nonetheless.
Top 20 Female Teen Stars...
...To Watch Out For.
There seems to be a constant obsession over the up-and-coming young stars, and I'm no exception. While not all of these are up-and-coming, in fact many have already established themselves as talented, successful young girls, they all possess a certain quality which makes them interesting to the public. The heading is 'Top 20 Female Teen Stars To Watch Out For' and that's why some of the most famous on this list (Chanel, Miley, Taylor) are not as high as you might want them to be. You don't need to watch out for them, you already know them. I've included people I think have a certain something, whether it be drive, talent, beauty or charisma - this list is not entirely based on fame, & that is the reason you won't see certain famous disney kids I have no interest in.
20. Lucie Jones

Sweet 19-year-old Lucie came to fame on this year's X Factor, a show I was sneakily drawn into by the odd & entertaining lure of Jedward, and although she was voted off halfway through the live shows, her amazing voice, pretty face, headline-grabbing style & sweet personality might just win her a singing career.
19. Megan Prescott

Famous for her portrayal of 'popular' but slightly psychopathic Katie on E4's hit teen drama Skins, 18-year-old Megan seems quiet and ever-so-slightly shy in real life. While she may not be getting as much media attention as her twin sister Kathryn, Megan plays the character of Katie to perfection, and I have a feeling she will be making even more of an impact in the upcoming fourth series.
18. Willa Holland

18-year-old Willa doesn't grab the headlines every second of the day, but she's showed she can act on big shows such as The OC and Gossip Girl, and films including (but by no means limited to) Genova and the up coming Straw Dogs. It may be just the parts she plays, but Willa seems to have a certain powerful presence on screen which means you can't help but watch her. Oh, and if you havn't noticed, she's amazingly gorgeous.
17. Lisa Backwell

You can't help but feel both intrigued and amused whilst watching kooky Pandora Moon dance around at the Love Ball on the aforementioned Skins, and she's such an adorable character thanks to 19-year-old Lisa. Upon watching interviews with Lisa, you'll find that she's just as adorable in real life, with a sense of humour that'll have you wondering why she's not in comedy.
16. Pixie Geldof

But what does she actually do? I hear you ask...Well, the notorious 19-year-old may only be famous due to the simple fact that she's Bob Geldof's daughter, but she possesses an effortless cool and original fashion sense that have the fashion pack running after her in their hundreds.
15. Georgia Groome

17-year-old Georgia came onto the scene as typical teenage girl Georgia Nicolson in chick-flick Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging, and is now viewed by almost everyone as as fresh and innocent as her character, but there is no denying that she has talent, and this is just as evident in more recent films The Disappeared and Leaving Eva. Although I doubt Georgia will ever become a tabloid regular (and some people seem to think that the measure of success these days) I think she has a very successful acting career ahead of her.
14. Lily Loveless

Loved by Skins fans everywhere as one half of favourite couple Naomily, 19-year-old Lily made us believe in the beautiful, sexually confused, outspoken and witty Naomi. Outside of Skins, Lily has made an impact with her stunning looks, spot-on dress sense and lovely personality. Not to mention that with a name like hers, how can fame not be on the cards?
13. Georgia Jagger

Far from your typical it-girl, 17-year-old Georgia - Mick Jagger's daughter - has never actively seeked media attention and you won't see her in the gossip rags. Featuring in top fashion magazines such as Vogue, she is making her way in the fashion world as a very distinguised and respected young model - with her full lips, gap-toothed smile and mane of golden hair, she's easy to pick out in a crowd.
12. Chanel Iman

At the young age of 19, Chanel is already one of the most established supermodels in the world. That's pretty impressive!
11. Taylor Momsen

16-year-old Taylor is famous everywhere due to her portrayal of Jenny 'Little J' Humphrey on America's hit teen drama Gossip Girl. Breaking out of the teen mold, Taylor's bold, rocky style singled her out of the crowd and gave her a new attitude which led to people dubbing her 'Courtney-Love-esque'. I predict Taylor will become extremely famous, and not only that, but successful too, due to her role on Gossip Girl and modelling contract with IMG models.
10. Cory Kennedy

You might say that 19-year-old Cory is just an it-girl with no reason for being famous and no right to be on this list, but I would disagree with you. Cory is not a royal heir or the daughter of a famous couple. Neither is she famous because of a kiss-and-tell or because she stumbled out of a well-known nightclub once. She's famous because she put all her effort into making a name for herself over the internet and because, let's face it, there is just something about her - and that takes drive. And that's why she's on this list. Not to mention she has amazing style that I've never seen on anyone else, nor am I sure anyone else could pull off.
9. Lauren Socha

I've completely fallen in love with the loud, chavvy, ever-so-slightly aggressive but lovely Kelly on E4's new drama Misfits, and I can't stress enough how amazing 19-year-old Lauren's acting is. She has raw talent, and I'm sure she has a successful career ahead of her.
8. Emma Roberts

Charming and beautiful 18-year-old Emma steals the scene in every film she stars in, and is the reason I've watched feel-good chick-flick Wild Child more times than I can remember. She has a list of ahcievements behind her, starring in Aquamarine, Nancy Drew, tv show Unfabulous, the addictive Wild Child, Hotel For Dogs and more, and has six new films coming out - dramas Twelve, Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac, It's Kind of a Funny Story and What's Wrong With Virginia, romcom Valentine's Day and thriller There's no stopping Emma Roberts.
7. Dakota Fanning

At just 15, Dakota is the youngest on this list, but also one of the most talented. Watch her in any one of her films - from War Of The Worlds to the more recent New Moon - and you'll see that she has talent way beyond her years.
6. Pixie Lott

18-year-old Pixie came out of nowhere in 2009 and she's now one of the biggest popstars around - with two number ones, a unique & sexy image and a wide fanbase, I can only see the gorgeous Pixie going from strength to strength in the new year.
5. Miley Cyrus

I suppose 17-year-old Miley had to come in the top 5, didn't she? I have nothing against her and actually love dancing around to a bit of Party In The USA, but she's not one of my favourite teen stars and I would have preferred others higher in the list. But, you've got to hand it to her - she's America's reigning teen queen and man, does she know how to sell a record...As well as that, I recently saw her interviewed on Alan Carr's Chatty Man and have to admit that, if a little annoying, she seemed pretty funny.
4. Kathryn Prescott

Ah, Kathryn, the girl everyone (who knows who she is, of course) has fallen in love with. Due to the 18-year-old's performance as the insanely lovable Emily on Skins, Kat has become the girl everyone wants to be friends with. As well as the talent she clearly shows whilst acting, Kat is very, very beautiful with her glistening eyes, bewitching smile and bright red hair, and possesses a quiet confidence, bubbly personality and sexily husky voice. See, listen to the way I'm talking - I've fallen in love with her, and Emily isn't even my favourite character!
3. Kristen Stewart

While she may not have as devoted fans as her co-stars Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner, the Twilight movies wouldn't be the same without 19-year-old Kristen. Her portrayal of Bella is so fresh and real, and in real life she has a kind of beautiful awkwardness which I think makes her more interesting, and maybe even draws people to her in a weird way. She seems to stray from conformity which makes her even more individual. And whether she likes it or not, she's currently one of the biggest stars around.
2. Kaya Scodelario

Quite possibly the most strikingly beautiful girl I have ever seen, 17-year-old Kaya never fails to fascinate me. On screen she is amazingly talented, having some kind of hold over the viewer. She draws us all in as the mysterious and promiscuous Effy on Skins, and is by far the most notable member of all the Skins cast (bar Dev Patel). As well as Skins, Kaya has starred in sci-fi film Moon, and in up-and-coming titles Shank and Clash Of The Titans. On top of all that, she's signed a modelling contract with Models 1 and is constantly appearing in the pages of glossy fashion mags. She has gained the most recognition out of the Skins cast, and seeing the way she can convey so much even when never speaking at all, it's not hard to see why.
1. Emma Watson

Who could be number 1 but the lovely Emma Watson? At 19 years old, Emma has been in the public eye as Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter series for nine years, and has grown up with us. It wasn't hard for me to pick a number 1 - Emma came to mind straight away. She's talented, clever, elegant, stylish, and has transformed into a beautiful young woman before our very eyes, and it's not unrealistic of me to say, quite simply, that everybody loves her.
There seems to be a constant obsession over the up-and-coming young stars, and I'm no exception. While not all of these are up-and-coming, in fact many have already established themselves as talented, successful young girls, they all possess a certain quality which makes them interesting to the public. The heading is 'Top 20 Female Teen Stars To Watch Out For' and that's why some of the most famous on this list (Chanel, Miley, Taylor) are not as high as you might want them to be. You don't need to watch out for them, you already know them. I've included people I think have a certain something, whether it be drive, talent, beauty or charisma - this list is not entirely based on fame, & that is the reason you won't see certain famous disney kids I have no interest in.
20. Lucie Jones

Sweet 19-year-old Lucie came to fame on this year's X Factor, a show I was sneakily drawn into by the odd & entertaining lure of Jedward, and although she was voted off halfway through the live shows, her amazing voice, pretty face, headline-grabbing style & sweet personality might just win her a singing career.
19. Megan Prescott

Famous for her portrayal of 'popular' but slightly psychopathic Katie on E4's hit teen drama Skins, 18-year-old Megan seems quiet and ever-so-slightly shy in real life. While she may not be getting as much media attention as her twin sister Kathryn, Megan plays the character of Katie to perfection, and I have a feeling she will be making even more of an impact in the upcoming fourth series.
18. Willa Holland

18-year-old Willa doesn't grab the headlines every second of the day, but she's showed she can act on big shows such as The OC and Gossip Girl, and films including (but by no means limited to) Genova and the up coming Straw Dogs. It may be just the parts she plays, but Willa seems to have a certain powerful presence on screen which means you can't help but watch her. Oh, and if you havn't noticed, she's amazingly gorgeous.
17. Lisa Backwell

You can't help but feel both intrigued and amused whilst watching kooky Pandora Moon dance around at the Love Ball on the aforementioned Skins, and she's such an adorable character thanks to 19-year-old Lisa. Upon watching interviews with Lisa, you'll find that she's just as adorable in real life, with a sense of humour that'll have you wondering why she's not in comedy.
16. Pixie Geldof

But what does she actually do? I hear you ask...Well, the notorious 19-year-old may only be famous due to the simple fact that she's Bob Geldof's daughter, but she possesses an effortless cool and original fashion sense that have the fashion pack running after her in their hundreds.
15. Georgia Groome

17-year-old Georgia came onto the scene as typical teenage girl Georgia Nicolson in chick-flick Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging, and is now viewed by almost everyone as as fresh and innocent as her character, but there is no denying that she has talent, and this is just as evident in more recent films The Disappeared and Leaving Eva. Although I doubt Georgia will ever become a tabloid regular (and some people seem to think that the measure of success these days) I think she has a very successful acting career ahead of her.
14. Lily Loveless

Loved by Skins fans everywhere as one half of favourite couple Naomily, 19-year-old Lily made us believe in the beautiful, sexually confused, outspoken and witty Naomi. Outside of Skins, Lily has made an impact with her stunning looks, spot-on dress sense and lovely personality. Not to mention that with a name like hers, how can fame not be on the cards?
13. Georgia Jagger

Far from your typical it-girl, 17-year-old Georgia - Mick Jagger's daughter - has never actively seeked media attention and you won't see her in the gossip rags. Featuring in top fashion magazines such as Vogue, she is making her way in the fashion world as a very distinguised and respected young model - with her full lips, gap-toothed smile and mane of golden hair, she's easy to pick out in a crowd.
12. Chanel Iman

At the young age of 19, Chanel is already one of the most established supermodels in the world. That's pretty impressive!
11. Taylor Momsen

16-year-old Taylor is famous everywhere due to her portrayal of Jenny 'Little J' Humphrey on America's hit teen drama Gossip Girl. Breaking out of the teen mold, Taylor's bold, rocky style singled her out of the crowd and gave her a new attitude which led to people dubbing her 'Courtney-Love-esque'. I predict Taylor will become extremely famous, and not only that, but successful too, due to her role on Gossip Girl and modelling contract with IMG models.
10. Cory Kennedy

You might say that 19-year-old Cory is just an it-girl with no reason for being famous and no right to be on this list, but I would disagree with you. Cory is not a royal heir or the daughter of a famous couple. Neither is she famous because of a kiss-and-tell or because she stumbled out of a well-known nightclub once. She's famous because she put all her effort into making a name for herself over the internet and because, let's face it, there is just something about her - and that takes drive. And that's why she's on this list. Not to mention she has amazing style that I've never seen on anyone else, nor am I sure anyone else could pull off.
9. Lauren Socha

I've completely fallen in love with the loud, chavvy, ever-so-slightly aggressive but lovely Kelly on E4's new drama Misfits, and I can't stress enough how amazing 19-year-old Lauren's acting is. She has raw talent, and I'm sure she has a successful career ahead of her.
8. Emma Roberts

Charming and beautiful 18-year-old Emma steals the scene in every film she stars in, and is the reason I've watched feel-good chick-flick Wild Child more times than I can remember. She has a list of ahcievements behind her, starring in Aquamarine, Nancy Drew, tv show Unfabulous, the addictive Wild Child, Hotel For Dogs and more, and has six new films coming out - dramas Twelve, Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac, It's Kind of a Funny Story and What's Wrong With Virginia, romcom Valentine's Day and thriller There's no stopping Emma Roberts.
7. Dakota Fanning

At just 15, Dakota is the youngest on this list, but also one of the most talented. Watch her in any one of her films - from War Of The Worlds to the more recent New Moon - and you'll see that she has talent way beyond her years.
6. Pixie Lott

18-year-old Pixie came out of nowhere in 2009 and she's now one of the biggest popstars around - with two number ones, a unique & sexy image and a wide fanbase, I can only see the gorgeous Pixie going from strength to strength in the new year.
5. Miley Cyrus

I suppose 17-year-old Miley had to come in the top 5, didn't she? I have nothing against her and actually love dancing around to a bit of Party In The USA, but she's not one of my favourite teen stars and I would have preferred others higher in the list. But, you've got to hand it to her - she's America's reigning teen queen and man, does she know how to sell a record...As well as that, I recently saw her interviewed on Alan Carr's Chatty Man and have to admit that, if a little annoying, she seemed pretty funny.
4. Kathryn Prescott

Ah, Kathryn, the girl everyone (who knows who she is, of course) has fallen in love with. Due to the 18-year-old's performance as the insanely lovable Emily on Skins, Kat has become the girl everyone wants to be friends with. As well as the talent she clearly shows whilst acting, Kat is very, very beautiful with her glistening eyes, bewitching smile and bright red hair, and possesses a quiet confidence, bubbly personality and sexily husky voice. See, listen to the way I'm talking - I've fallen in love with her, and Emily isn't even my favourite character!
3. Kristen Stewart

While she may not have as devoted fans as her co-stars Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner, the Twilight movies wouldn't be the same without 19-year-old Kristen. Her portrayal of Bella is so fresh and real, and in real life she has a kind of beautiful awkwardness which I think makes her more interesting, and maybe even draws people to her in a weird way. She seems to stray from conformity which makes her even more individual. And whether she likes it or not, she's currently one of the biggest stars around.
2. Kaya Scodelario

Quite possibly the most strikingly beautiful girl I have ever seen, 17-year-old Kaya never fails to fascinate me. On screen she is amazingly talented, having some kind of hold over the viewer. She draws us all in as the mysterious and promiscuous Effy on Skins, and is by far the most notable member of all the Skins cast (bar Dev Patel). As well as Skins, Kaya has starred in sci-fi film Moon, and in up-and-coming titles Shank and Clash Of The Titans. On top of all that, she's signed a modelling contract with Models 1 and is constantly appearing in the pages of glossy fashion mags. She has gained the most recognition out of the Skins cast, and seeing the way she can convey so much even when never speaking at all, it's not hard to see why.
1. Emma Watson

Who could be number 1 but the lovely Emma Watson? At 19 years old, Emma has been in the public eye as Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter series for nine years, and has grown up with us. It wasn't hard for me to pick a number 1 - Emma came to mind straight away. She's talented, clever, elegant, stylish, and has transformed into a beautiful young woman before our very eyes, and it's not unrealistic of me to say, quite simply, that everybody loves her.
I'm choosing to be anonymous, but you can call me Kaia. I'm an English teenager, using this blog to post my views on fashion, music, art, the world, writing, books, film, television, life and the people in it.
I doubt it will be particularly deep or serious, and not because I lack the ability to be that way, rather because this is an outlet in which I choose not to be that way.
Despite the fact that I currently have no followers, I hope that soon I will and that you will be somewhat inspired or amused by my posts.
I doubt it will be particularly deep or serious, and not because I lack the ability to be that way, rather because this is an outlet in which I choose not to be that way.
Despite the fact that I currently have no followers, I hope that soon I will and that you will be somewhat inspired or amused by my posts.
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